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UK Road Accident Record Placed in the Spotlight

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has called for the government to commit to publishing a new road safety strategy for England, in the light of recent statistics that point to 'a dramatic lack of UK road safety progress over the last...

Under-Insured Commercial Property Occupier Wins Seven-Figure Damages

Fire is an ever-present threat to occupiers of commercial property and, all too often, they only discover after the ash has settled that they are under-insured. In one such case, however, the High Court came to the aid of a gifts retailer which lost...

Industrial Accident Victim Receives £350,000 Damages Award

Despite rigorous health and safety improvements over the years, industrial accidents are still not as rare as they could be. However, as a High Court case showed, it is a personal injury lawyer's mission in life to expose negligence and ensure that victims...

Ten-Month Custodial Sentence for Fraudulent Injury Claimant

Most personal injury claims are entirely genuine, but there will always be individuals who seek to exploit opportunities to acquire compensation by dishonest means. As was shown by a recent High Court case, however, they do so at risk of serious sanction. ...

Business Use of Residential Property - Upper Tribunal Strikes the Balance

Any proposal to make business use of a purpose-built residential property is likely to draw objections. However, as a case concerning the planned utilisation of an urban dwelling as a privately run home for children in care showed , neighbours' concerns,...

Family Succession to Secure Tenancies - Court of Appeal Clarifies the Law

In the realm of social housing, there are few more controversial issues than a child's entitlement to succeed to the secure tenancy of a parent on the latter's death. As a Court of Appeal ruling showed , however, succession rights may quite easily be...

Football Club's Crowd Control Challenge to Development Kicked Into Touch

Commercial property owners are often concerned that residential developments may prejudice their longstanding use of their premises. In a High Court case on point , a football club argued that planning consent was granted for thousands of new homes without...

Latvian Road Accident Victim Receives £2 Million Award

Tourists or overseas workers who suffer accidents in the UK may feel that they are a long way from home, but they can be confident that English lawyers will pursue their damages claims with professionalism and vigour. That was certainly so in the case of a...

Has Your Home Been Devalued by Public Infrastructure Works?

To state that location is the only important factor when it comes to valuing a home is a cliché and something of a generalisation. However, as an Upper Tribunal (UT) ruling showed , if public infrastructure works render the location of your property...

Applications for Fresh Commercial Tenancies - Court of Appeal Guidance

How does one decide whether a commercial tenant 'ought not' to be granted a new tenancy under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ? The Court of Appeal addressed that and other important issues in a guideline case. The tenant of two newsagents'...
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